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Stein Holding Competition with Appalachian Mountain Brewery
January 27, 2018 @ 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Come join Appalachian Mountain Brewery in a Stein Holding contest to see who is the true master of the stein!
Located in the Beech Tree Bar & Grille at 4 p.m., this is a free event to join and watch!
With a variety of prizes from Appalachian Mountain Brewery, this event is not to be missed!
Starting at 4 p.m. in the Beech Tree Bar and Grille, we will have groups of 12 people holding their very own take-home stein to see who is the champion. The winner from each round will be able to compete in the grand finale round for a very special prize from Appalachian Mountain Brewery. Feel free to bring your stein home with you!
Registration will begin at 3:45 p.m. in the Beech Tree Bar & Grille.
Only the first 30 people to register will be able to participate!
Austrian ski instructors came to Beech Mountain in 1967. They taught lessons and helped shaped the culture of Beech Mountain Resort. To top off a day on the slopes, the Austrian instructors also musicians, played Tyrolean music during the Apres-Ski at the Beech Tree Bar and Grille.
In addition to celebrating Beech Mountain Resorts 50th season, the Foothills Oompah Band will be playing a variety of folk music to encourage our brave stein masters.
Steins will be provided at the event.
There will be a prize for first place!
Official US Steinholding Association Rules
1. A 1L glass stein with handle must be used. The stein itself should weigh approximately 3.5lbs and should be provided by the establishment hosting the competition to ensure consistency.
2. Stein must be filled to 1L lip.
3. Stein must be gripped by the handle.
4. Thumb may not go on top of the stein handle, it must rest on the other fingers.
5. Pinkie finger may be held outside of the handle.
6. Arching of the back is allowable, however excessive leaning is unacceptable.
7. The stein must be gripped such that the front of the stein faces away from the competitor (the stein can’t be gripped sideways)
8. Stein must be held out in front of the competitor, not out to the side.
9. The arm holding the stein must remain close to parallel with the floor and should be extended straight with very little bending at the elbow.
10. The off-hand should remain at the competitor’s side and should not be used to support the body.
11. An infraction of any rule will result in a strike. After two strikes, the third infraction leads to elimination of the competitor.
12. If any amount of beer spills or drips off of the stein, the competitor is eliminated, regardless of the number of previously assigned strikes. During outdoor competitions or humid conditions, judges should be sure to differentiate between dripping resulting from condensation and dripping resulting from beer spillage.
13. Competitors should not contact any structures, objects or people during the competition.
14. Competitors must stand within their personal area and should not move more than is necessary to make adjustments ensuring proper form during the competition.
US Steinholding Association Competition Apparel
1. No brace, support or strap of any kind may be worn during competition.
2. Athletic compression clothing is acceptable, however stiff or supportive clothing (such as a bench press shirt) may not be worn.
3. Use of grip powders, pine tar or any similar substance is prohibited.
US Steinholding AssociationJudging Guidelines
1. Within the first 60 seconds of a competition, judges may provide corrections to competitors (hold higher, hold lower, unbend elbow) without assigning an official strike.
2. Judges should be conservative but fair when assessing competitors.
3. Failing to adhere to all of the rules or being too lenient with judging will hurt the reputation of the establishment and improperly prepare competitors for higher level competitions.